In Search of the Perfect Poop

I drive myself a little crazy when it comes to Dog Nutrition. Back in the Dark Ages I just fed my dogs kibble….high quality kibble….but didn’t feel great about it. So then I began to add fresh meat and possibly some leftovers to the kibble. Poops were well formed, but they looked like they came from horses….huge!! That meant much of the food was being pooped out and not used well. Plus my dogs were in good health but not GREAT health. They looked healthy but not Westminster Dog Show Blue Ribbon Healthy. I want my dogs to beat the statistics. Goldens are a breed at risk for many autoimmune issues.

Hence the experimentation began. Different kibbles….making my own food….looking at ready made human grade food I could purchase…..trying raw…..

So why was I pulling my hair out? Well I currently have four goldens….all with just a wee different level of need. Jazz, my seven year old, needed to lose weight and feel better. I felt kibble was empty calories. Good poops, but she looked like she felt tired and droopy.

Kimmie is my easy girl. She can eat anything…similar to Jazz….but she also has the tendency to gain weight on kibble….good poops…..but I still felt something was missing…..mostly her energy level.

Rosie is my problem child. She had a delicate stomach from Day 1 and the most inconsistent poops of any dog I have ever owned. I just could not seem to find the magic formula where her poops were well formed and she was not spitting up from time to time. She seemed to do the best on homemade food. OK……BUT with homemade food there is always the risk you are missing some key nutrients. So you had better supplement , Baby!Their homemade food is usually beef, quinoa ,spinach and other greens, and blueberries. I will add fresh garlic (small amount!) every other day plus a cranberry pill for good urinary health and a fantastic vitamin. I should have it perfect. And yes,, pretty darn good….but still occasionally Rosie would throw some scary looking poop with a weird color or mucusy.

And then there is Orvie, my puppy. He is now 14 months and flourishing, but he made Rosie look like a walk in the park. NO kibble EVER worked for him. He flourishes on homemade food. BAM!

One problem, though….making food for four goldens, one of whom is a puppy and eats like a horse, was chaining me to the kitchen. I needed HELP without sacrificing nutrition or good poops.

I began to use a product called Unkibble from Spot & Tango. Now I might have to get a second job if I fed that exclusively to four dogs. Unkibble does not skimp on quality nutrition and is less than the packaged fresh food I could purchase.

I am holding my breath, but so far with each meal being half homemade and half Unkibble, ALL FOUR dogs have perfect poops and have since Day 1 of Unkibble. I am noticing differences in their fur; it feels thick and luxurious. Eyes are bright and shiny. Any ear scratching is gone. They don’t eat grass.And energy is popping. I am truly pleased.

Here is a code for 50 % off if you wish to try Unkibble with your fur babies.

I may FINALLY be onto something, so I wanted to share. Would love to hear from you. Good luck to all in searching for the perfect poops because that means your dogs have healthy guts which should contribute to long healthy lives!


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