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Goldens..Goofy? Brilliant? Angelic? Adorable?

How would you describe your Golden Retriever? Goldens are Personality Pups , multifaceted. I find them immensely entertaining no matter what mood they are in.

Does your Golden roll on its back, sporting a goofy grin, begging for bellyrubbies? Or perhaps your Golden mimics an otter, using its two front paws to hold a bone or a ball as it creates a game to entertain itself as it shoots all four paws in the air? Does your Golden roll in the grass sporting an ear to ear grin as it turns a lovely shade of green reminiscent of the Wicked Witch of the West? Does your Golden find the only mud puddle for miles, plop down, wagging its tail so it becomes a muddy wand, looking at you saying “Ah,,,this feels so good!” Then you have a Goofy Golden. (Notice they do begin with the same letter.)

Does your Golden learn new tricks or commands after one or two tries? Can it smell a dog cookie left from last month on your neighbor’s front lawn? Does your Golden remember where all the parks are in a ten mile radius? Does your Golden “talk” to you? Does your Golden work daily to slowly train YOU to do what it wants? Then you have an Einstein on your hands. Warning. These bright Goldens take some training, or their brilliance turns to mischief.

Perhaps you have one that can sense your mood if you are sad or ill. This Golden looks at you with its soulful eyes, sending you beacons of love and comfort. It might even hug you with its paws as it places its head on you. Maybe your Golden is a therapy dog, an emotional support dog, or a comfort dog. You are most fortunate to have an angelic Golden.

Adorable???! I am sorry, people, but there is no animal on the face of the Earth as cute as a Golden puppy. They look like fuzzy wuzzy teddy bears that you want to snuggle and cuddle as they tend to crave your touch. As they grow up, they become beautifully majestic with their flowing fur and noble stance. And those EYES!! I could stare into a Golden’s eyes forever.

Me? What kind of Golden do we have? Why, ALL OF THEM. Our four are goofy, briliant, angelic, and adorable. Biased you might think? Maybe. I fell madly in love with the breed when I was twelve. This is my soulmate canine connection.. I am “Gaga for Goldens” (there are those G’s again).

What’s your Golden like? And for you nonGolden families…I want to hear why your breed is your canine soulmate. I admit to perhaps a teeny bias about Golden Retrievers but promise to listen openly to what you tell me. So comment below!

Enjoy your Golden. No matter what type or types you have.