Dog Vacay? Do it!!!

John and I just took Jazz to the Dillon Beach Resort for a weekend to celebrate her wonderful dogginess. Being one of four Goldens means you share constantly with the pack. All are treated fairly and equally. That could be a drag for a dog.So we needed to change that!

Jazz’s idea of heaven is swimming , preferably with balls or dummies to retrieve. When we arrived , she almost pulled my arm off to get to the ocean. It took her a while to understand we had to settle in, so she had to settle for a walk near the water. She did.

We weren’t sure how the three dogs at home would behave nor how Jazz would adjust to the new surroundings in sight of her beloved ocean. She was incredible.The other three were perfect.

The BEST was experiencing her joy vicariously on Friday when she swam and retrieved for hours. People commented on what a happy girl she was. She pranced exiting the ocean.

Of course she received extra love and extra treats. I think the weekend caused her to fall madly in love with John. She far prefers to snuggle him in bed even though she is my Heart Dog. Sometimes she uses her paws to push me away, little Stinker. Yet, I am thrilled she has bonded so closely with John. He is her Dad .

If you are wondering if you should take your dog on vacation with you, Jazz says WOOF!! We both say “DO IT!” We cannot wait to bring Kimmie next.


PLEASE Ditch Your Retractable Leash


Goldens..Goofy? Brilliant? Angelic? Adorable?