Take Your Dog Bye Bye

Do you remember being a little kid and jumping up and down with excitement because it was time to go Bye Bye? Most dogs share that excitement.

Granted, there are the exceptions that don’t “love” Car Time. Kimmie would fall into that category. As a pup she had motion sickness. Kimmie also finds her comfort requires solid unmoving ground underneath her feet. This dog has hips of steel but never jumps or wants to swim. And the grooming table? Forget about it! Lol

Yet my other three LIVE to go Bye Bye. They love looking out the window, and they believe they are going somewhere wonderful. They are Canine Optimists, and anytime they get some special attention from Mom or Dad, it’s an awesome day!

I have a new resolution. I don’t wait for January 1st:) At least once a week a dog needs to go somewhere special. This is in addition to being therapy dogs at the library. It could be a walk downtown, a puppy playdate, going for a puppacino, a swim,or a hike. Today Rosie hopped in the car when I went to the post office. She was thrilled.

Sometimes we forget how just a small extra step makes a huge difference in the day of our dogs. I must admit, I found it easier to pop a dog in the car when I had only one or two dogs , but they understand turn taking. Dogs live to be with their people. It fills them with joy to go along for the ride.

So invite your dog to go Bye Bye, and watch that doggie smile reach ear to ear!


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