Does Daylight Savings Time Affect Your Pooch?

Sweet dreams in spite of TIme Change!

I don’t know about you,but I appear to be a total wimp when it comes to moving the clocks forward or backwards. I am out of it anywhere from three days (fall) to two weeks(spring). I keep saying in my head the “real” time is…I really wish we would do away with Daylight Savings Time. Its purpose has been outlived.

Some dogs would agree with you. It DOES affect dogs, but just like people it affects our doggies in varying degrees. For those of you who read my blogs or know me, you are aware my husband and I own four goldens whom we love dearly. They are all goldens but are very different animals, andTime Change just shows their individual quirks.

ALL of them woke at their normal time which was early for us . Oh! How we would have loved that extra hour!And ALL of them wanted to go to bed at their normal time which seemed crazy early, but again, we are adjusting this daily.

The only difference I saw with Jazz is her tummy said to eat! We had to feed them half an hour earlier than usual and have been slowly adjusting that. But Jazz remained Jazz….no behavioral changes.

The other three were like overtired toddlers. They have roughhoused more than ever. Just very rough play! And it lasts a long time, almost like overtired kiddos. Then they collapse and crash.

One (Rosie) hates her routine to be changed. It totally messes her up. She began chewing up things, whining, pacing, and showing all kinds of anxious behavior. It directly correlated to Time Change. What is helping her is extra walks and some special Mommy or Daddy time. It seemed to really knock her off her pins.

So tell me in the comments! Have you noticed any changes in your dogs? If you have other species of pets ,did you see changes with them as well?

Let’s hope Time Change will soon be a thing of the past! Kudos to Arizona for realizing it just is not worth it!


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