Do You Speak Dog?

Humans are verbal. Dogs are not, but boy do they communicate!! We have to use our eyes to REALLY look at what a dog is saying. Look at the ears, the tail, the eyes. Look at the posture. So much information for our little human brains to assimilate. Our words do not help us here. Everything your dog does has a purpose, a reason. Take barking for instance. Is your dog telling you he or she is bored? Lonely? Afraid? Or on guard warning you about something he or she senses, sees, or hears?

Look at the ears…are they standing up straight or relaxed and back close to the head? What about the fur? Is it standing straight up with a ridge along the backbone or flat against the body?

Look at the mouth. What expression do you see? Teeth bared or mouth closed? Did you know dogs only smile at people??? Did you know a dog yawns when it is stressed not tired?

And the tail tells a chapter all by itself! Where is it? Tucked between the legs or wagging madly ? High like a flag or rigid and straight out behind the hindquarters?

If you take the time to see what your dog is telling you, you will have a close bond. Your dog will realize he or she is understood and will relax and trust you. Everything you do will build on this. Have fun as you learn to speak DOG!


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