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Small Food Changes Can Equal Big Health Results

I recently updated my pawcast about searching for the Holy Grail of Healthy Dog Food and published another one about healthy dog treats.

My friends, the more I educate myself, the more I realize how critical healthy dog food is for life expectancy and quality of canine life.

If you are reading this, you love your fur babies. Sometimes the food choices I made were out of ignorance. I just did not know any better, and vets tend to heavily endorse kibble unless they are holistic vets.

I know dog families are not all going to stop using kibble,but I would like to challenge you to replace at least 10 to 25 percent of the kibble with healthy food. Studies have shown even giving dogs a small amount of human grade or actual human food makes a tremendous difference.

I did blog about fresh garlic and tumeric. They are awesome,but I am talking about food now, not supplements. Some options of things you could add as a topper to your dog’s bowl are: various gently steamed greens( kale, spinach, dandelion, mustard, turnip etc), asparagus, sardines in water, raspberries, strawberries,blueberries, blackberries, bone broth, cooked eggs,flaxseed, and steamed cruciferous veggies(cauliflower, brussel sprouts, broccoli).

I find it eyeopening that the same foods that are good for us (with the exceptions of grapes, onions, and macadamia nuts) are great for dogs!

If your dog has had kibble only his/her whole life, start small. Their tummies will have to adjust to these natural, yummy additives. Pumpkin can always help with food changes.

I PROMISE you this will help your baby. There is just a huge amount of research out there to support it, and I have seen it with my own eyes with my dogs. It makes my heart glad.

Would love to hear from you if you try this. If your dogs could talk, they would thank you over and over ! Good nutrition is the MOST IMPORTANT factor that we can control.