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Good Manners

Sometimes I wonder if I am one of the few who treat my dogs with respect? Just curious….who out there in Blog World says “thank you” to your fur baby?

I am a stickler for manners. My hooman kids will tell you “please, thank you,” waiting your turn, etc was drilled into them. It used to crack me up when they said “thank you for feeding me”. Um….kinda goes with being a good parent..gotta feed the kids:)

Why then should we treat our fur children any differently than our hooman kids? Do we want our dogs to have good manners? I believe “The Golden Rule “applies to living with canines as well as with humans.

I respect my dogs. When they do what I ask, I say “thank you.” I do a lot of talking to my dogs. Instead of yanking their collar with a leash correction if they are forging ahead, I will use the word “Steady.” If they listen to the word and slow down, I say “thank you.”

If they are not doing what I ask, I will get eye contact and put on my “Teacher Face.” I will ask again…a bit firmer. Nine times out of ten that works. I then would say “Thank You” or “Good Dog” or “Yes!”

I will let you in a secret. Some people call me “The Dog Whisperer” and wonder why the heck the dog listens to me and not them. It is what I communicate to the dog, and what I am saying by my actions , stance, and energy which is “ I like you. I respect you,but respect is a two-way street. In order for us to have fun together, I do expect you to listen to me. In turn you will have all sorts of rewards.” They realize it is a pretty good deal. Dogs are logical creatures and typically want that strong human canine bond.

I would love to hear from you. I think people forget to talk to their dogs. Vocal tone ,and I believe the actual words impact your relationship. Have you found this to be true?

Try saying “thank you.” See how it works. You may think I am nuts,but I believe this aids in a positive bond. The other phrase my dogs hear multiple times daily is “I love you.”

Thank YOU for taking the time to check out my blogs!