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Garlic and Tumeric Are Immune System Heros!

My last blog post was rather depressing about the new and very dangerous canine virus. Besides socially distancing your dogs, you can give them an added “paw up” by adding garlic and tumeric to their diet.

Interestingly enough, these two substances work miracles for our autoimmune systems, too!

GARLIC?!!! Yes, I bet you have heard garlic is toxic for dogs. Not true. This was based upon a flawed study. It is actually an antioxidant which prevents cancer and heart disease (lowers blood pressure and cholesterol), antiviral (your best friend right now with this new canine virus!), anti-parasitic( gets rid of worms in the gut AND fleas and ticks hate the smell), and it is antifungal (prevents and can aid in yeast infections). Garlic has been used for thousands of years in Chinese medicine.So why the HECK are vets not proponents of using garlic with dogs?

Firstly vets are not taught much about nutrition in vet school, and unfortunately many vets have financial ties to some highly priced and non nutritious dog kibble like Science Diet and Royal Canin. Also vets are taught how to treat and cure sick dogs, not how to prevent them from being sick at all by keeping their immune systems strong.

Use fresh garlic and be conservative on the amounts. I chop up two large cloves for four golden retrievers every other day. Now with this virus in California I will begin serving garlic daily.

Another food I swear by is Curcumin or Tumeric. I was told by my gynecologist it lessens the risk of cancer. I take it daily. It is anti-inflammatory as well as an antioxidant. Tumeric aids in digestion, liver function, skin diseases, wounds, and muscle soreness. I give my dogs Zesty Paws Curcumin. I do give less than the required dosage because it does add up for four big dogs, but I know it is helping. Jazz, my eight year old, is far more limber and jumps with ease.

I want to have my dogs live a long time. One way is by having strong immune systems. Minimal vaccines. I prefer garlic as a tick and flea preventative over pesticides placed in or on my dogs.Healthy and nutritious food. Exercise! Reduce their stress and increase active play and mental stimulation. I hope to increase their life span with quality of life. Garlic and tumeric will help!